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  1. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from DaveCargill68 in Cosworth Supercharger   
    I don’t suppose it was Andy you bought from by any chance? I just missed that. I’ll make sure to keep my eyes out mate, appreciate it.
  2. Like
    Notaricer reacted to Leeky in Stock Callipers   
    Cheers, will bump it up to £200!
  3. Thanks
    Notaricer got a reaction from Leeky in Stock Callipers   
    That’s ridiculously cheap, to the point where I’d buy them from you just to make a profit. I’d up the price there buddy unless you’re looking for a quick sale. I’ve seen the rears go for £100 alone, as of a few days ago - and that was without the hoses and housing.
  4. Like
    Notaricer reacted to leekaway in Sold!!Tuning development EL manifold.   
    No mate. I got the ej20 engine with custom manifold made. 

  5. Like
    Notaricer reacted to BRZ-123 in Cheap BBK swap   
    Good luck mate. Am sure all the permutation and combination you have worked out will pay off.

    Sent from my SM-G781B using Tapatalk

  6. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Lmc in Cheap BBK swap   
    All ready to be painted. Just need some stickers. Wish me luck getting the right size
  7. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Lmc in Cheap BBK swap   
    All ready to be painted. Just need some stickers. Wish me luck getting the right size
  8. Like
    Notaricer reacted to Varelco in Cheap BBK swap   
    It's ok you will get used to him. Does it to every thread.
  9. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Lmc in Cheap BBK swap   
    I give up. You’re not arguing a point. It’s like you’re making a rebuttal but not actually arguing any point; just giving me a 101 on race setups. Please leave the thread so that people don’t have to navigate through the waves of nonsense.
  10. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Lmc in Cheap BBK swap   
    You’re doing it again mate! It doesn’t have any relevance

    Your first point which I could just about make out, was very wrong indeed. A car that ‘needs’ heavier braking doesn’t necessarily need to be heavier or faster/more powerful - it’s just the speed at which they want to decelerate. F1 cars are insanely light but require going from 100-0 in less than 2 seconds. The limiting factor is tyres, as to which i have 275s all round. I would also only put ceramic brakes or high performance pads under the category of potential ‘under braking’. Steel discs themselves wouldn’t, in my opinion. Their frictional coefficient decreases as heat increases, whereas ceramics and high performance pads are the opposite. The purpose of discs is to provide a mating surface for the pads and to dissipate the heat generated from the friction caused by the rotation of the wheels.
  11. Like
    Notaricer reacted to Varelco in Cheap BBK swap   
    Fair enough. Let's hope it all works out ok. Nothing wrong with having more options!
  12. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Lmc in Cheap BBK swap   
    Okay guys, this is my first post but I have been on the scene for a while and would like to put forward some information for other people on a budget. If people could offer guidance or confirm that I’m taking everything into account I possibly could, then that would also be great!
    So essentially, if people don’t know, there is a bracket kit from the USA that allows you to put on a brand new set of brembos that are from US specific cars, but at a low price. I had assumed that this would never work for anyone based in the UK, as import fees and the international shipping would discount the thought of even going down that route. Not to mention, maintenance costs for discs and pads would have to come from the US.
    Anyway, I bit the bullet and decided to purchase this kit (it has not yet come) due to the fact that it is still a cheap option - as opposed to going for an aftermarket kit, or even swapping the scooby brembos over.
    Both front brembo calipers have come from ACdelco/GM, and have totalled to £300 - this is not including import fees; I am yet to be hit with them. But for arguments sake, I’m paying £400 for a brand new set of 4 pot brembos. The discs required come from an 04 STi, which would be the case for people doing the scooby swap. If purchasing these calipers, you would need to buy the pins and carriers separately (about £30 for a set).
    Next up is the brackets from ctsvbrakeswap. For the 4 pot upgrade (they do a 6 pot one too) it is $220 + $35 for intl. shipping. So $255 plus taxes will easily be £275. So we’re talking about £700 so far. The discs are about £150 for a decent grooved pair.
    The pads have been the hardest part to find. I think this calliper is the same as the Volvo S60 R and V70 R.... I’ve managed to find some ferodo DS2500’s for thag calliper (I’m just waiting on confirmation of sizes).
    So just to be on the safe side it’s about £1000 for this whole kit. If anyone has done this swap in the UK, or anyone knows anything about where I could source different pads from that would be great. It has been a nightmare to come close to anything.
    If anyone has raised eyebrows as to why I have made this very difficult for myself when I could settle for going down the scooby route (which I worked out to be around £1500), there are a few reasons: Everything is brand new, but cheaper than an aftermarket kit. Once I have a hold of these brackets, I can then make a CAD drawing to then get some machined for people that would like to take this route even cheaper than I have - if that is something people are interested in?
    Guys, please don’t talk about brake bias, or anything alike, as we already have heard about this on every BBK topic. The point of this post is that if anyone is savvy with parts coming from different cars that would fit this kit (especially if they can be sourced from the UK), as well as open up the market to find parts from different places, it would make this swap more comforting to people as they have more options to take and are not restricted to what pads they want to buy for example. And it would evidently be cheaper. This is also for people that have taken the same route as me that would like to give their feedback with running the setup!
  13. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Lmc in Cheap BBK swap   
    [mention]Church [/mention] I nearly had a stroke reading that

    Well first of all, they’re 4 pots. They have a larger surface area of pistons, pads are larger and the disc is larger. If this didn’t have any difference over my current OE brakes I’d be really concerned. Also, this would be reflected in the reviews that I have seen. The fact that some brands are more reputable than others is not my fault. Brembos are the pinnacle, (or at least they’re made out to be; all the top spec cars such as F1 use them) so I wedged my bets on that. I understand that these callipers are not monoblock or forged aluminium or GT callipers. I also understand that there is someone more knowledgeable out there than I am, but you’re assuming that I’ve made the decision to go for this kit based on a sticker when that couldn’t be more far from the truth. The whole point of this is to express bang for buck. I haven’t found out the bang for myself just yet but I digress. This is about having the largest improvement to price ratio. It just happens to be that brembos fell right into that category.

    We’re drifting off topic (pardon the pun) here and getting into semantics. I appreciate the advice for supporting mods for drifting, but this isn’t the topic of discussion.
    You’re giving your opinion of what you would do and this isn’t the purpose of what I’m trying to seek out. Surely this is clear?
  14. Like
    Notaricer reacted to MartinT in Rain-X   
    Has the formulation for Rain-X changed in recent years?  I remember it was superb for treating the windscreen to make water just run off.
    Having bought a new bottle after many years, I cannot get it to stop smearing no matter how much I clean the glass and buff it afterwards.  Something has changed!
  15. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from nikndel in Recall issued on cars to have valve springs replaced 2012-2013   
    I think I still have invoice for it, should you want me to send you a copy to reduce cost. PM me.
  16. Like
    Notaricer reacted to will300 in BBK Options   
    Here some of my observations of the various kits - bare in mind I thought about this for 18 months before committing to the Reyland kit.
    I actually ordered but then cancelled both the Essex AP Racing Sprint kit and the Godspeed AP kit, before settling on the Reyland kit, this was after speaking with @Ade and one of the technical team at AP Racing.
    These are for the approx 330mm kits (355mm+ kits have different requirements) 
    Reyland - AP Kit:
    AP Caliper - CP9200 (2 piece aluminum body)  4 Pistons Dust Boots - Made by Brembo  Perfect for Street and track Common Pad Size 330mm x 28mm discs - 2 piece Good thermal capacity High quality caliper by premium brake manufacturer.  Keeps stock brake bias Complete kit - Calipers, Pads, Brake lines, brackets, discs Various disc options - Either bolted or floating brake disc hat/bell. AP or Reyland disc's.  Clear's the majority of 17" wheels Latest design of caliper by AP Racing - including new paint finish Used by various members of the community - with extensive track use Con's:
    Reasonably expensive Custom made brackets, which you need to shim to get perfect fitment Won't fit under stock wheels without spacer.  
    Godspeed - Brembo's:
    Brembo caliper 4 piston Dust boots 330 x 28 discs 2 piece discs Cheap Con's: 
    Unknown caliper model Unknown caliper material Unknown piston sizes - not sure what effect this will have on brake bias Unknown pad size No brake lines included  
    Godspeed - AP Kit:
    AP Caliper - CP9040 (2 piece aluminum body)  Dust Boots - Made by Brembo  Common Pad Size Good thermal capacity High quality caliper by premium brake manufacturer.  Latest design of caliper by AP Racing - including new paint finish Con's
    Reasonably expensive Caliper designed for a 362mm disc - not 330mm as included Caliper designed for a 32mm thick disc - not 30mm as included Ø330mm disc in this caliper will leave a fairly large gap between the discs OD and the calipers disc pathway and this gap can be prone to collecting road debris. 6 pistons - overkill  No brake lines included  
    Cheap Used by various members of the community - with extensive track use Clear's the majority of 17" wheels Complete kit - Calipers, Pads, Brake lines, brackets, discs 330mm x 32mm? disc - 2 piece Dust boots Perfect for Street and track Con's
    8 pistons Unknown piston sizes - not sure what effect this will have on brake bias Unknown pad size Unknown replacement disc price Won't fit under stock wheels without spacer.  
    STi Brembo's - Used on Subaru Impreza WRX STi:
    Cheap Used by various members of the community - with extensive track use Clear's the majority of 17" wheels Complete kit - Calipers, Pads, Brake lines, brackets, discs 326mm x 30mm disc Various disc options Common pad size Dust boots 4 pistons Con's
    Shifts brake bias forward massively Steel calipers - heavy Bleed nipples need swapping - i.e. caliper refurb before fitment Not a complete kit Won't fit under stock wheels without spacer. Only available second hand  
    RR Racing (Wilwood😞
    Cheap Wilwood caliper Complete kit - Calipers, Pads, Brake lines, brackets, discs 326mm x 30mm disc - STi disc's so cheap replacements Clear's the majority of 17" wheels Con's
    6 pistons  no dust boots Won't fit under stock wheels without spacer. Limited pad selection Only available from the US Moves brake bias forward  
    Essex Parts - AP Racing Sprint Kit:
    AP Caliper - CP8350  4 Pistons Perfect for Track Use Common Pad Size 2 piece discs Extremely light High quality caliper by premium brake manufacturer.  Complete kit - Calipers, Pads, Brake lines, brackets, discs Clear's the majority of 17" wheels Keeps stock brake bias Used by various members of the community - with extensive track use Con's:
    Expensive 299x32mm disc's - Can have some thermal issues Only available from the US Won't fit under stock wheels without spacer. No dust boots Not a daily driver friendly caliper  
    AP Racing Genuine kit:
    AP Caliper - CP6600 (2 piece aluminum body)  4 Pistons Dust Boots Perfect for Street and track Keeps stock brake bias Complete kit - Calipers, Pads, Brake lines, brackets, discs Clear's the majority of 17" wheels - including stock wheels Con's:
    Very Expensive 26mm thick discs Limited pad options Limited disc options Uses older AP caliper  
    Stoptech ST40:
    Stoptech ST40 caliper 4 Pistons Clear's the majority of 17" wheels Complete kit - Calipers, Pads, Brake lines, brackets, discs 328mm x 28mm disc - 2 piece Dust boots Perfect for Street and track Con's
    Expensive Can't 100% confirm piston sizes Limited pad replacement options Unknown replacement disc cost Won't fit under stock wheels without spacer.  
  17. Like
    Notaricer reacted to MartinT in MartinT's BRZ   
    A few things: the economy has settled to around 30.6mpg.  It did hit a high of 30.8, but in this nice weather I've been using the power a bit more again.  The supercharger installation is running very smoothly and I think it likes the cool intake air, which is running at +14 (so 22C today).
    The rear tyres are really wearing much faster than the fronts now with the supercharger, it's reminiscent of my old BMW in that respect.  I should probably rotate them to even things up a little.
    I had a Golf right up my backside this afternoon.  Dropped it to 5th and hoofed it.  Nope, wasn't losing him so I pulled aside in the next gap.  It was a Golf R.  Oh well, can't beat them all!
  18. Like
    Notaricer reacted to MartinT in Recall issued on cars to have valve springs replaced 2012-2013   
    The Falken Azenis FK-510 have been my 'go-to' tyres for a while now, on the BRZ and previous cars.  Great all-round performance and low price.  The Goodyear Vector 4Seasons are very good indeed in the snow.  I now have Michelin PS4 which are good but not significantly better or worse than the Falkens.
    Oh, and the Primacies are crap!
  19. Like
    Notaricer reacted to Kodename47 in Recall issued on cars to have valve springs replaced 2012-2013   
    Number of pistons is irrelevant. Piston area is more important. Most front BBKs are designed with the OEM rears in mind so don't shift the bias too much.
  20. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Test Drives Unlimited in Recall issued on cars to have valve springs replaced 2012-2013   
    Right okay, if they didn’t then it’s not the end of the world anyways. Toyota recommend 0W-20, many people run it on 5W-30 oil because of how hot they run the car and the viscosity of the oil would thin down due to the temperature regardless. I have a 5 litre bottle of 5W-30 sitting on the side for when the car runs out of oil (which it loves to drink) so when I decide to run the car hot the oil can handle it better. 0W-20 is prone to freezing in very cold temperatures during the winter as well which can cause sluggishness and reduced efficiency. Trust me, a legit dealership will never use another aftermarket companies parts, I’ve never heard of it or even seen it on the news or anything. If you’re so worried, why don’t you go on YouTube and watch something is done and do it yourself. At the end of the day you bought a car that requires more than the average maintenance, if something goes wrong related to the work they have done, you can hand it back and they will fix it at no cost. Once again, we go back to company media protection.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Like
    Notaricer got a reaction from Test Drives Unlimited in Recall issued on cars to have valve springs replaced 2012-2013   
    The technicians don’t go out of their pocket to purchase the parts to fix the car mate. At the end of the day, Toyota don’t want bad publicity if cars do fail so that’s why they will do the job properly. So that is why everything everything is free or at cost of parts because they want company media protection. I’ve just picked my car up yesterday with a brand new clutch, spark plugs, water pump, serpentine belt, oil and oil filter, uprated valve springs all for £275. When I took the car in. The clutch was 1mm off the rivets so got my use out of it haha. I used to work at a garage and trust me, going to a dealership is the best for comfort and knowing that the job will get done properly and by OEM standards but at a compromise for expense. And you can see the oil, just check the dipstick haha

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Like
    Notaricer reacted to Lauren in Recall issued on cars to have valve springs replaced 2012-2013   
    It's a Toyota dealer they will use genuine parts and OEM oil. I'm not sure where you get this notion that they will put cheap parts in? One a week is what most dealers are doing, it's quite enough with the other service work they have to do. 
  23. Like
    Notaricer reacted to will300 in Japfest Donington - 13/07/19   
    Hi Everyone
    Here are my photo's from Japfest Donington on Saturday 13th July. (For those not on the Facebook group)
    I think I got everyone's car, if I missed you out sorry.
    Thanks for looking 

  24. Like
    Notaricer reacted to Church in Recommendations on brake pads?   
    Worth always specifying also _which_ exactly pads. Most vendors have many pads covering most niches, from street to hardcore motorsport use. Comparing by generic brand name will just make apples to oranges comparison. For example Ferrodo has also real track pads like Dsuno, Ds1.11, Ds3.12. It also has also oem-ish, completely non-tracking even least stuff. For example, here chart of some hawk pads. I'm sure that different PFC pads are, well, different enough too, and thus one should always tell which.
  25. Like
    Notaricer reacted to Test Drives Unlimited in Recommendations on brake pads?   
    I am on my 4th set of EBC Yellowstuff and have the 5th set waiting in the boot.

    Would recommend them.......

    Sent from my ASUS_A001 using Tapatalk
