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Captain Duff

It get's my vote!

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Very cheap shot, they don't want to ban them they just want to paint them yellow. What about the ones on the gantries? No use painting them yellow because they're hidden behind a sign.

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...I don't speed on motorways. 


This. I do think we'd be better off without them (similar stance to Rob) but they shouldn't cause me any problems as I'm normally closer to 60 than 70.

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If Ed Milliband promised to ban all cameras and raise speed limits to 100mph, and reduce taxes to 5% for all I still wouldn't vote for him!!
As already mentioned and proven by every government, they lie, they forget, they cost you and me a fortune in taxes and duties.
Now, I'll get down off my soap box.....

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Sort of off topic but we have more of a issue with the bloody Mayor of Bristol at the moment as they have put many of the roads to 20MPH FFS. Big long wide roads and 20MPH!!!!


they seem to forget you cannot stop people getting killed on the road, not matter how stupidly low you put speed limits. Poor driving standards but most importantly stupid people who cross roads without looking and such like will not stop people dying even if all roads are 10MPH. 


Every government will say anything to get votes and still rape the motorist 

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All new drivers - whether approved by a UK Testing facility or immigrant using an Int'l Driving Permit - should have a microchip implanted in them for their first three years which will "read" their distance travelled/speed attained/legal parking/stupid turning/volume and type of in-car music preferred.


A panel of three worthy people in the UK - and I offer myself as one - should have the arbitrary right to ban 'em, without leave to appeal.


This would include all EU lorry/coach/car drivers as well...


Vote for me....



Spec K 

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If I had £1 for every brain dead moron that stepped off the kerb in front of me too busy *staring at their phone, *using their phone, *listening to their Ipod, *screaming at their kids/dog to look for oncoming traffic then I`d be richer than Special K !


*delete as applicable


Please can I be second on the panel of 3 worthy people ?

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I get the point of cameras nearby things like schools and built-up areas. They will encourage people to stick to the limit where there's the potential to hit a pedestrian and potentially kill them


As for cameras on the motorway (statistically the safest type of road in the UK in terms of number of accidents and fatalities) it's just nonsense. Doing 100mph is just as safe as doing 70mph. You are typically more alert if you're driving fast and if it wasn't for the cameras you wouldn't be distracted by your speedo every 2 seconds, taking your eyes off the cars in front and around you to check what speed you're doing


The unrestricted Autobahn's in Germany are one of the safest roads in the world. Why? Because even though people are doing 100mph+, they are alert and aware of what's happening (most of the time anyway) and are concentrating on the job of driving. Not worrying if they're going to get flashed or pulled by the police.


Camera's on motorways do not make sense, unless it's purely to monitor traffic

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