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Hi there your price isnt farĀ off but yes you can buy them direct cheaper but the for thosesĀ whoĀ donā€™tĀ want to wait the 4weeks + for them these are ideal for only a little extra in costĀ 

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Estimated Total(GBP)GBP Ā£188.97*

That is with expedited shipping, 3-5 days. Yes someĀ import tax but you are probably about Ā£125 more expensive to save a couple of days.

You may want to add if these are sequential?

Sorry for the large text, can't seem to edit it.

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These owe a shade over Ā£240 with shipping thatā€™s taken 4weeks plus the import charge thatā€™s the exact price and shipping all paid happy to show anyone costs/dates import chargeĀ 


as I said there ideal for anyone who doesnā€™t want to wait or want to import them them selfs a uk company selling these would be over Ā£400+ with standard uk 50% mark up so the ivĀ listed what I think is a fair uk price Ā no one is getting forced into buying them if they donā€™t sellĀ they can make a nice book shelf end or a door stop šŸ‘šŸ»

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Yes and your point is !you donā€™t go into Tesco and complain your milk cost them 45p but there selling it for Ā£1.20 ??as I said no one is being forced into buying them anyone can buy them these are available now if they happy to pay what I want whatā€™s the issue ??

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Yeah, other forums/car clubs I have been involved with wouldn't allow this. Having said that, the original poster is right, no-one has to buy them. Maybe stick them on ebay rather than here.Ā 

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Right to be honest this is annoying now Iv said it countless times no one is being forced to buy them if someone does and there happy with the price then there happy Iā€™m not out to please everyone one


secondly iv been out of pocket for nearly a month so when I buy stock for the business anything I buy there a mark up on top of that to compensate for that as with any business Iā€™d be stupid to let them go cheap


as for being a enthusiast forum does that mean I have to let them go at cost or at a loss because thereĀ Ā my items I price them at what ever I feel they will sell forĀ itā€™s a selling forum Iv done everything the forum request yet Iā€™m still getting badgered about what you think is right


lastly judging by the amount of messages on here and other places Iv listed Iā€™m bang on the money as far as Iā€™m aware theyĀ are the only brand new in box unused ones for sale in the uk so this brings demand and a price Iv got a buyer wanting to collect tomorrow he aware of the price of buying him self but he wants them like yesterday so he happy with the price Iv done nothing wrong at all so il kindly ask if your not interest in buying do not spam my thread simpleĀ 

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23 minutes ago, Paul said:

If there isn't a forum rule against price gouging, there should be.

This is a club for enthusiasts, this sort of behaviour is generally frowned upon.

I post on 30+ different forums 1000ā€™s of parts a month for Impreza not once has anyone frowned upon anything we doĀ 

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2 minutes ago, Mattybr5 said:

I post on 30+ different forums 1000ā€™s of parts a month for Impreza not once has anyone frowned upon anything we doĀ 

First time for everything.

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We best all jump on to Fensport and tell them they cannot sell them for so much ..when I asked regarding them from them they didnā€™t actually have stock so if they have now Thatā€™s good for uk buyers šŸ‘šŸ»

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No i donā€™t my business I do Impreza models Only Iā€™m on this page for my own personally project il be building and donā€™t plan on doing anything with brz apart from selling the parts off the car I wonā€™t need so I donā€™t have to do anything šŸ‘šŸ»

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Still haven't answered the question if they are sequential?

If you want profit, ebay. If you want to sell for a fair price to another enthusiast, here. Simple fact is everyone on this thread knows they are overpriced and that you are trying to use the forum for profit, but not as a trader.

Leaves a sour taste.

Plus no one is spamming yout thread, we are giving honest opinions. If you don't like them, tough.

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Well considering there so over priced they sold pretty damn quick so I say I was spot on they was collected by very happy owner today so despite why you all claim to think you know I was right in what I was saying šŸ‘šŸ»

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