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Swanky Head unit, STI Brakes, last of my bits : (

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14 minutes ago, Minion said:

Did you sell the trd button in the end also?

Yeah sorry guy who bought my whole exhaust had it as well :( it’s so much nicer to push I’d pay the new price mate it’s worth it 😂😂

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2 hours ago, jevvy said:

It has pictures of everything as stated before when Lauren asked If they are now broken I’ll fix them. I use the forum from my phone and it would take ag s to upload them not in a Group to imgur and it takes 5 seconds to scroll through them there is no way to get any part mixed up with another. I don’t understand the reason for being so nit picky because the pictures are in a gallery and not singular. I’ll get on my computer st some point today and fix the pictures if they are broken. But all my items are clearly described and priced then the pictures are in a gallery. There’s a lot of items so it’s easier this way as people can scan the list quickly  To see if anything catches their eye then go look at pics. I think it’s the most efficient way rather than having s post that takes 5 mins to scroll through because of pics and if it’s an inconvenience to you when looking it takes 5 second to scroll through the gallery and I’m sorry for making you take that time but I think it’s the best way for most. I feel like im being singled out for reasons unknown and have never had a bad report for a sale or anything and sold dozens of things. If the site hosting the pictures on my weeks old thread brakes you simply have to ask me to Reup them not all jump onboard about how terrible of a person I am. It’s a straight minor and I think you all need to take a long hard look at yourselves as I really don’t think having the pictures in a gallery constitutes a poor thread. I have also never been told that it’s not allowed. I personally think the shitposting from people like smudge and others is far worse than someone putting their pictures in a gallery. Shitpsting is worthy of ridicule me not uploading my pictures to your exact specification but still making them readily available in a gallery  is not an action worthy of Ridicule. 

You have been asked over and over about not posting pictures up. I don't single you out, I do the same to everyone. You have had issues where you have bought items off other members only to relist them at a higher price a few weeks later. Understandably this pisses people off. It's supposed to be about the members helping each other, not maximum profit. It is abundantly clear that you are a bedroom trader and you don't pay any trader fees. I really think you should! 

You should be posting pictures up in a thread like everybody else easily manages to do rather than linking them to a gallery. It's a shit way of doing it. 

You effectively cause me a lot of work in not following basic rules of posting pictures up and often not providing the detail that is necessary to describe an item. I am bored to death of constantly having to pull you up on this. 

You wouldn't be singled out if you followed the basic and simple rules about for sale items, but you don't. 

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No one has ever co

1 hour ago, Lauren said:

You have been asked over and over about not posting pictures up. I don't single you out, I do the same to everyone. You have had issues where you have bought items off other members only to relist them at a higher price a few weeks later. Understandably this pisses people off. It's supposed to be about the members helping each other, not maximum profit. It is abundantly clear that you are a bedroom trader and you don't pay any trader fees. I really think you should! 

You should be posting pictures up in a thread like everybody else easily manages to do rather than linking them to a gallery. It's a shit way of doing it. 

You effectively cause me a lot of work in not following basic rules of posting pictures up and often not providing the detail that is necessary to describe an item. I am bored to death of constantly having to pull you up on this. 

You wouldn't be singled out if you followed the basic and simple rules about for sale items, but you don't. 

No one has ever told me m descriptions were off and when you asked about the pictures before and I told you they were galleries you seemed fine. How am I a bedroom trader everything has been on and off my car as you can see in the pictures they have all been on my car. I am now selling the car and took everythig off to sell. Do you think I imported half of these things from Japan and America to sell for less to make a profit? I don’t understand. I asked for a few quid more on an exhaust and an overpipe after it has been on and off my car the exhaust is still on my car to this day. I’ve never bought anything for resale I have pictures of everything I’ve sold been on my car and I had the exhaust for like  6 months before relisting it. If you guys actually things I’m not at a net loss from my 86 mods then I’d like to know how. You have all seen pictures of my car in post with the items fitted. I just did a lot of mods to my car then removed them hence the massive sale post of all the mods that were on my car before I removed them. Go and look everythig costs more new and if you want Lauren I can show you the receipts and import receipts where applicable showing probably a 30% loss on most things I’ve sold. It was this post where you asked about pictures I then told you they were a gallery and it was fine. Now the forum breaks the embedded pictures and suddenly it’s a new issue. That doesn’t make any sense. I don’t understand how you can think I’m a trader so what if I asked what I thought the exhaust or that overpipe (which I ended up sending to ade so he could check fitment and then paid me the same price I paid) as for the tomei exhaust I asked 650 when I paid 500+50 for the blanking plate and offered postage and that was asking price which is barely a profit and I expected an offer which would of left me out of pocket. I still think the tomei exhaust and blanking plate is worth the 650 I asked. Also the interior switches I just sold cost me like 60£ and are still on my car I will remove them today I sold for 40£ The orange interior cost me about 1200£ and I was asking significantly less and open to offers. I’ve sold dozens of things at a loss and asked for slightly more on a couple of item months later because I wanted what they were worth. This issue has already been spoken about and I thought resolved. You are just saying the same thing over and over if yo clearly said I’m one message or bothered to pm me and said please upload the pictures singularly instead of gallery even though I still think gallery is better and people have agreed with me. Then I would do so but you just said I was a bit difficult but it was fine. If you have any specific questions Lauren feel free to pm me. I wouldn’t say you constantly pull me up it’s happened a couple of times months ago and then twice on this post one time because you didn’t scroll the galleries and another because the forum broke the embedded images other than that it hadn’t happened for ages. I have addressed the problems you have told me about and you seemed fine with the galleries the first time in this thread when I made it. If there is anything specific you would like me to chance please pm me instead of commenting this seems a shit way to do things as it’s not really pulling me up it’s just moaning about a minor problem that you could pm me and ask to adress instead but no one has ever specifically told me that galleries are a major problem as they don’t really impeed anything and the pictures are still there. I’d tather someone to be able to read the complete list of my items quickly than have to scroll down for ages through pictures of stuff their not interested in. Also everyone could learn some manners :) 

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 Also I can show the receipts for everything I bought new from months and months ago when I put them on the car it’s not like I bought some 86 parts stuck them in the garage for 6 months then sold them for 50-70% of what I paid because it was fun? Or because I’m a trader... and If you google anything I’ve listed you’ll find it was significantly more expensive when I purchased them. I’ve been an active member on the selling and buying page nothing more and that’s what the forum is about. I’ve met lots of people and stayed in touch with them who I’ve sold stuff too and am part of a WhatsApp group where we have a laugh. I intend to buy a already boosted 86 at some point hence the sale of all my parts and car. I knowto start with I would post and say pictures to follow and it’s annoying but my latest like 5  posts have had all pictures from the start all be it the dreaded galleries. Then there was the exhaustcepade where I might’ve been 30£-£50 in the pocket of someone paid my full asking price which would have probably covered my petrol and a sarnie when I went to collect it. I don’t think I’m a terrible person and neither does anyone who’s actually spoken to me or bought something off me. But people mustve seen this was the same post and someone even commented that the pictures had broken. So I don’t see why it’s the same hullabaloo again because the website broke my pictures. I haven’t made a new post since this one was made and it had every picture so I don’t know why we are rehashing it. 

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12 minutes ago, jevvy said:

I’ve never bought anything for resale I have pictures of everything I’ve sold been on my car

I have some sympathy for you, but no one here is silly enough to believe that. A bit of honesty goes a long way, you sell more here than half the paid up traders.

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2 minutes ago, maurice said:

I have some sympathy for you, but no one here is silly enough to believe that. A bit of honesty goes a long way, you sell more here than half the paid up traders.

Are you serious? Everything has been on my car mate everything and it’s all little things I’ve never sold the same thing twice obviously because it’s all stuff I’ve used. I’m sure the traders make a tidy profit but I’m obviously at a massive loss the same as any other car modder Maurice 

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3 minutes ago, maurice said:

I have some sympathy for you, but no one here is silly enough to believe that. A bit of honesty goes a long way, you sell more here than half the paid up traders.

Made me chuckle :D 

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4 minutes ago, Steeps said:

I never saw the blue side fenders you bought for £20 then resold on for £80 on your black car... just sayin...

I’ve got them now I’ll make a video of me stomping on them and upload it to YouTube mate also I bought them on eBay for like 22.50 plus postage then I found vinyl wrapping them incredibly hard as they’re an awkward shape was going to respraythem then asked 80£ but would’ve taken any offer. Never sold them tho. So there still isn’t a single instance where I sold something for a profit. 3 times I’ve asked where I wanted to ask what they were worth but not sold. out of the how many things I’ve sold? Pick one thing in my thread you think I paid less for most likely and I’ll show you my receipt 

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1 minute ago, jevvy said:

I’ve got them now I’ll make a video of me stomping on them and upload it to YouTube mate also I bought them on eBay for like 22.50 plus postage 

Lies, you bought them off Fusion423 on the other forum for £20, the for sale thread is still live!

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2 minutes ago, maurice said:

Go on jevvy, where's the pics of the 20 different coloured OZ wheels on your car?

I still have most of them the only ones that weren’t on my car where the one set of Superleggera’s without tire. I sold the 17s with Tires to danny for super cheap for a set of ozs. I have pics of them all expect the untired Superleggera’s cuz I got some ultraleggeras instead :) 

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6 minutes ago, Steeps said:

Lies, you bought them off Fusion423 on the other forum for £20, the for sale thread is still live!

Go pm him and ask him if he listed them on eBay where I bought them. I think I saw the sale thread after and was sad I could’ve got them for 2.50 less I assume he put that on to cover the eBay fees either way I still have them so I’m at a 22.50 loss until I sell them so suck an egg steeps and stop acting like you know everything. 

You are quick to assume and judge steeps and likely won’t even take in what it ve just said you are literally a walking goldfish. 

What meet are you next at perhaps we could have a beer and talk about this like gentleman 

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Evidence says otherwise:

Fusion: Posted: 17 Apr 2017 at 9:05pm: GT86 side fenders; midnight blue - £20 + postage

Jev: 18 Apr 2017 at 8:52am: I'm interested in the side fenders I'll pm you my email/WhatsApp and could you send me some pics! Thanks allot

Fusion: Posted: 18 Apr 2017 at 7:34pm: Pictures of items

Then after that they were listed as sold... so did you ask for pictures of the items AFTER you'd bought them off ebay or is your memory a bit hazy?


Jev: Posted: 26 May 2017 at 9:39am: FOR SALE: Blue gt86 fender garnishes as new   -    £80  these are really easy to change you could take the badge of and spray/wrap them also. then stick them back on!


Even Kesler on the other side was getting frustrated with your for sale threads with lack of pictures.


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Side fenders... are they the standard ones? If so, 2nd.. well 3rd hand, they're not worth £80!

The problem you've got jevvy is that people can see what you've paid for it, you're going to piss people by wanting more than what you paid for it. Second hand parts alone plummet in value the second they're on a car or even out of the box. No one would be paying 75%+ of the cost for something second hand unless it's unopened.

I've been interested in a few things you've sold / put up for sale in the past but always put off by the high prices for second/third hand bits.

Granted, items are worth what someone is willing to pay, but don't be surprised when people start asking questions when you start trying to sell several items at the same as what you bought or for more. Have a look through the other for sale threads on here, you'll see plenty of "I've bought this recently off X for £Y but never fitted so looking to get near that" - that's how you re-sell something you bought. 

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@jevvy put some damn photos up for each individual item so nobody has anything to complain about. @Steeps is this really worth going on about constantly?

Can we just stop the public bitching and stick to PM's or something? (Yes I'm aware this could be seen as ironic coming from me) I bloody dread to think of a prospective owner looking at the forum and seeing this. I know I'd be put off, it's all a bit sad imo. 

Also, personally I don't see the massive issue with the price thing. If you think the price is ridiculous, don't buy it or make a lower offer.

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@ttr I only post it because apparently we are all picking on him when he's just a normal owner yet on 2 forums he's unable to read and follow rules, following them is an inconvenience to him then he comes out with insults when there is evidence he is trading and not being honest about his listings. It's about protecting members otherwise things could get nasty between the buyer and seller if things were not as expected.

Considering this thread are "the last of my bits" surely the fenders would have been re-listed if they hadn't sold in the other 5+ threads they were listed in?

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16 minutes ago, Steeps said:

@ttr I only post it because apparently we are all picking on him when he's just a normal owner yet on 2 forums he's unable to read and follow rules, following them is an inconvenience to him then he comes out with insults when there is evidence he is trading and not being honest about his listings. It's about protecting members otherwise things could get nasty between the buyer and seller if things were not as expected.

Considering this thread are "the last of my bits" surely the fenders would have been re-listed if they hadn't sold in the other 5+ threads they were listed in?

What I haven’t been told in months aprart from twice on this thread where I had all the pictures and Lauren said it was fine and then they broke and boom let’s all jump on about the same conversation again after already having it out before.  I have provided answers to every query but as usual goldfish steeps doesn’t listen to anything and just repeats his narrative. I’ve sold dozens of things things have never got nasty, you shitpost nastily steeps. I’d be surprised if everyone who has read your posts doesn’t think less of you for reading them. As my last message where I was completely transparent about the genders and can take a timestamped picture with them on my hands if that’s what you need to be convinced. Maybe I didn’t resist them so clowns like you don’t shitpost. Not that it stoped you.  I guarantee anyone who’s ever bough anything from me will vouch for me and anyone who’s ever read your posts thinks you’re a weirdo either way please refrain from ever posting on any of my posts again this is a formal request and I would greatly appreciate it if we could just go our seperate ways. 

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