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Opinions on 10.5" wheels

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It's an interesting argument. But I do think most of the cars today have an excess of grip. Back in the old days, when I was driving around in 70's and 80's cars, it was mostly the other way round. Cars weren't overtyred then and you could never forget that when pushing on. But it did allow you to tune into the handling a lot more as going over the limits of grip was something that was a daily occurrence and in the dry too. 

These days most will only experience a loss of grip on wet and greasy roads, but really, hardly ever in the dry as you are always in within the limit of the grip of the tyre pretty much whatever you do. I can only see this as dumbing down as it takes no skill if you are driving within the grip limits of the tyre. However, I would agree that driving well and within the grip limits does take some skill, but it takes a lot more when you get into the slip angle of the tyres which is where the fun starts. My worry is that too much grip, means the fun as such, never starts. 

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Grip driving also is while less flashy, fastest. But there is most grip from tire to get when it's near slipping limit. And better one learns that grip limit budget to use fully on braking/sideforces/accelerating, so that willingly can balance near it and knows by reflexes what inputs and to what extent needed for that or to save/correct when one looses it. Just throwing on grippiest possible ones = imho harder to learn that. Just like many new drivers are used for nannies to save them and wouldn't know what to do if without. Same story about overtyring.

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