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Posts posted by matrixprotein

  1. Yeah thanks for the support. I am waiting for my own garage and just waiting for the work to get approved but it's such a headache. I just got my courtesy car yesterday for the gt86 and was given a Mercedes gle - which is well not my style of car but it'll do as it's comfy!

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

  2. UPDATE: Toyota Auris - taken the car to a bodyshop for estimation of price and this should be booked in for repairs by the end of the week which will be claimed for the third party who hit me.

    Toyota GT86 - the van man who hit me; his representatives called me saying he has accepted liability. I asked for some clarity and the representative informed me that based on his account of events, he is liable for the accident and he has been informed of this.

    In both instances, the end result will be a no fault claim on the Auris and GT86.

    Sort of just waiting around now for the garage to come back to me with a quote for the work before I send this off to my insurer for approval. Looks unlikely I'll have the work started until the next of next month as he is going on holiday when schools go on Easter break. My alternative is to go with another garage but it has been recommended that this guy is trustworthy so I'd rather wait a little longer than go to a random body shop and get a bad job. Decisions. 


  3. Hey nerdstrike,

    Took the car to a mates garage who had a look and reckons there isn't any mechanical damage. By the looks of it, the door will need replacing, front quarter and rear quarter panel. Estimated it to be £3-4k and it's someone I trust so I'm inclined to send the quote over to Admiral and if approved, I may get them to do the work.

    Fella reckons the bushes may need replacing and re-do the tracking but it'll be better than going to one of those approved garages so let's see.

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

  4. Update: I got hit by another van in my daily just now. A Toyota auris. I cannot believe this. This time the driver admitted liability straight away and we are going to try sort it out away from insurance.

    Anyways with regard to the GT86; I've opened a claim and will have to pay £850 excess which admiral will claim back if it's found to be a non-fault claim which it should be along with the witness statement.

    Admiral has asked me to take the car to one of their approved garages which frankly has poor reviews (dws bodywork). I've asked them for alternatives and have the option to get quotes from alternative places but the quotes will be have to be approved by Admiral before any work can be approved.

    It does seem likely that it will be a non-fault claim because it really should be and if my account can be proven with the witness statement, things should check out ok. I'm considering going to Jemca Toyota for a quote but I know it is likely that the cost of repair will be too expensive but I will give it a shot. If anyone else has any recommendations in and around the London area, feel free to input.

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

  5. @ollyw didn't take out motor legal cover. Never had an accident and never thought I would! But thanks for this.

    @potato goose thanks for the essay, I really need all the advice I can get. As mentioned the driver has said to me he didn't see it even if it was blatant and my partner isn't worried that I would win the case as a non-fault claim.
    @lauren the car still drives straight, I did have a feeling he might have knocked my balance out. Could definitely feel something with the accelerator pedal though it could just be me and you know how these cars are - very mechanical but in a good way.

    I noticed when I hard steered left to park, it feel noticeably stiffer. Will have another look today and make the claim

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

  6. Hi guys,


    So sad to say this but I got hit by a van today. First accident I've been in and gutted to say the least.


    Long story short, I was on a slip road and a van dangerously merged into my lane and went straight into me. Witness came out and said van driver was at fault so yeah.


    Of course the van driver is denying liability even though he says "I didn't see you in my mirror". His other argument was "I was indicating so it was my right" to which I responded "just because you indicate doesn't make it your way"


    Anyways I have to claim tomorrow and say its his fault because it is. And the witness has offered to write a statement of the incident. Just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation where it wasn't your fault and what are the best options to go about it.


    On the drive home I can feel the steering wheel is alittle stiffer and can definitely hear something sort of sanding together when I'm on the accelerator pedal. A part of me wants the car but there's another part that wonders if it's saveable. Also the worry that I won't get paid out what I got the car for and I haven't had it for long at all and didn't get the gap insurance.


    Here are some picsa996ee0ce50c1a50f7aebefb8f82ca82.jpg1075ee1a154fea9538a4b3836bce9cf8.jpg739b1bf43f4bbaee84f092a0f0fdadd5.jpga9f6719c12e549f6cb0bb95f6d3f99d0.jpgb7f1423207c76ba485807119e94412c2.jpg4e4408fd03d5e7b50e1ab8ff2408c768.jpg


    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk



  7. I would say that depending on the SC you would want to have a manifold that compliments the power delivery, whether that be EL/UEL
    I was thinking of going UEL on the TD na package then upgrade after to the harrop. I don't drive enough at the highest revs to justify El and definitely not using it on track

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

  8. All I have done is opened the box to make sure it is all there, still wrapped as received, I am based in South Easr London.
    Tell you what mate, I'm in South East London and in about 4 years I've only seen about 4 or so different gt86 in the area. And yours isn't one of them! Haha where abouts in South East are you

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

  9. I've got a dmx7017 which I pulled out from a civic a sold previously - got lazy about fitting it. Thought I could live with gap on the sides til I installed it lol.

    Bought the £10 ones, see how they get on. Found it from another seller though. Agreed that the price is extortion for bits of plastic. I used the brackets from the OEM unit and made them work lol

    Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

  10. depends who you are selling to and how long youre planning to keep it.

    getting it serviced by tuning devlopments or any other reputable tuner would be an indication that the car has been modded (even if it hasn't been). 

    if youre planning to rid it at some time and want the most money, take it to toyota is what i would say

  11. Go with what you want it will make very little difference. Just remember a supercharger will make your exhaust louder. Consider those extra resonators that I got put on if you are losing the second cat as well. 
    Thinking of keeping 2nd cat, and losing primary cat

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