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About Ninjaboxer

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    Barnsley Uk
  1. Ninjaboxer


    Haha fabulous
  2. Ninjaboxer


    That's all sounding pretty good, and much bigger than I imagined to be honest. Normal work requires two football sacks which carry 12 footballs plus two large gym bags. I also help out a charity shop too by picking up collections so it can literally fill the entire car at its worst....yes I do abuse it to be fair but I'd have to be a whole lot more careful with an 86 :/
  3. Ninjaboxer


    Hi thank you. Yes I think I'll do that. My main problem is that my Celica carries enormous loads of stuff for work on a regular basis and the lack of boot space in the GT is a major concern. If the back seats are dropped down, does that basically leave you with two areas, the boot and the back seat space or is it possible to create one large space?
  4. Ninjaboxer


    Hi, just a quick hello to introduce myself. I feel like I'm cheating a little bit because I'm actually a 7th Gen Celica owner, but it's coming to a point where I'll have to reluctantly replace it soon and natural progression (I had a 6th Gen before this) means I'd like a GT86, but I have some practical reservations. So I hope you'll forgive my ignorance while I read up all the info you have to offer.