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Posts posted by Neal

  1. So it's less than a month to the show event. With most drivers at jap fest and their cars gleaming you are all well practiced in detailing.

    Other news we have an event sponsor and head judge. Ben the ceo of Lawtomotive vehicle restoration and detailing has kindly agreed to come talking detailing and judge the competition. 

    We are now looking for a company to supply potential raffle prizes in aid of  charity. 

  2. @lewisw the next meet is 21st may. It's the show and shine competition at the greyhounds Inn Warslow near Leek. Would be good to see you there. 

    The roads to the inn are epic. 

    I'm planning a dawn drive to for back end of may setting off just as the sun comes up. So we have all the roads to ourselves. Will keep you posted. 

  3. On 17/02/2017 at 1:19 PM, GT86Bob said:

    The irony for me is that I'll be fitting Primacys for the TSS N2 class. Anyone know what the difference is between Primacy HP and Primacy 3 ?

    I have no idea if anyone answered this for you Bob. 

    The primacy 3 is the replacement of the hp. There is good info on this link. http://www.tyrereviews.co.uk/Article/Michelin-Primacy-3-Launched.htm

    To summarise it the primacy 3 has better water distribution at low speed and an improved rubber compound keeping the same blend of economy and grip of the hp but with improved braking characteristics. 

    Michelin looked at all sorts of crash data and focused on improving these features in an effort to reduce accidents. 

    In terms of the sprints I guess the better braking of the 3 would be better. A step up to the bigger playing field of N1s might offer more fun competition. 


    3 hours ago, Lauren said:

    Thanks for organising this, Neal. Good to see you guys. We did a diagnostic on Tom's MR2 and sure enough, oxy sensor. Eggs benedict were good too. Could be a regular meet I think, we'll get this dawn drive organised as we head into the summer. :)

    A regular meet would be good maybe once a month. I'll sort it with the car park owner each month so they know to expect us. 

    I'll start planning the dawn drive soon I'm busy with the show and shine car show currently looking for people to sponsor the trophies and a few raffle prizes.  

    Ideally I'd like numbers and feedback to be strong enough that I could potentially turn the show into a annual spring rally of sorts.  Dream big and all that. 
