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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    @James18 Morning All.. Had mine returned to me yesterday following the spring replacement; took it to Platinum in Trowbridge and was really impressed with the service and the way they dealt with it. I still haven't received a letter yet, but wasn't going to wait for one - so I phoned them up earlier in the month, they were really helpful and slotted it in within a few weeks! It had its 6yr service recently, so plugs didn't need to be changed, and the engine has only done 35k so I didn't need the clutch either. Few new pipes, air-con refill, oil filter etc (as per the norm). The technican said that the coolant was replaced (obviously) - so it shouldn't need changing on the 10yr service, which is good to know. Speaking to the technicans (sorry if I'm repeating what might already be on here), they have to be trained especially for the task - there aren't many of them that can do the job, and I think they can only do one at a time too because of space in the workshop. Nathan and Joe have done a few between them now though, and I haven't got any complaints; no leaks yet!! Thanks to Darrell for organising it too - he's been giving me daily progress reports/images and a visual inspection sheet, and they stuck absolutely to the timescale that they gave me originally. So, all's well that ends well! I've attached a few images - just the ones that aren't likely to just be repeats of what's come before. I'll report back if I have any problems, in the meantime... Nice to be able to swap back in the Yaris/Aygo/whatever it was, for my 86 - and a blast home
  2. 1 point
    QEvent Title: Japanese Vehicle and Culture Show Event Author: Leevsfortyone Event Date: 30.06.2019 Formerly known as the Japanese Auto Matzuri. I will be booking a club stand again this year following the success of last years show. The name has changed but it is still the same show. Entry for show cars is FREE, but f you wish to make @ donation to the Museum that would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to meeting you there. Japanese Vehicle & Culture Show Museum of Power, Hatfield Road, Langford, Maldon, Essex CM9 6QA Sunday 30th June 2019 10am-4pm Exhibition of classic Japanese cars and bikes, cultural activities, crafts and themed food stalls, entertainment and music Please display a copy of entry pass on screen just add the name of Club in the name section, and Japanese Vehicle &Culture Show. Free children's craft section and hunt Miniature steam train OPEN for rides (extra charge applies) 'Astaria' model village OPEN 'Marshall' the Lilleshall pumping engine will be run by steam and other oil / diesel engines will be running Cost: Adult £7.00, Concessions £6.00, Children (5 to 15) £3.00 Children under 5 FREE Japanese Vehicle and Culture Show Attending Leevsfortyone Badger Nikndel Angelina Sxocpaul Harry Haddock Maurice Faith GT86 Ian Gav T Ulphy86 Rocket Panda The Minion Test Drive Unlimited EXHIBITOR PASS letter.pages
  3. 1 point
    .....hello, did someone mention cake?......
  4. 1 point
    I'm really surprised that some people are having issues with making contact with the local dealerships. The one I went to were desperate to be as helpful as possible (and i haven't received my letter!) and the techies I spoke to said that they're aware of the significance of communication between owners on forums like this one - particularly with cars like the 86... I hope all of you who are having issues get it sorted. I wonder if the same work can be done (on the 86) by subaru? I think there are less of them - but might be closer to some of us? Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
  5. 1 point
    Don’t worry Nigel you will get In without it. I will try a diff format for you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. 1 point
    No problem Nigel Gavin has spares we tend to meet a short distance from venue anyway so you will get one then but it's not the sort of place that wouldn't let you in when with the rest of us
  7. 1 point
    Can't be far from highest in country Nigel 😜
  8. 1 point

    Brake pressure bleeder

    Don’t think I’ll get one of those for £50 ish🤪
  9. 1 point

    Japanese Vehicle and Culture Show

    Weather is looking good at this time☀️
  10. 1 point
    Yes no problem will be great to see you again Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 1 point
    Hmmm I am free for once and not got anything happening anywhere else that day...... Could I come to this Event please Lee ? It's been a while since I last did anything with this Club !! Sent from my ASUS_A001 using Tapatalk