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GT86/BRZ Club logo Competition!

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There might not be much in the way of prizes just yet, but we would love anyone long time who could possibly come up with a logo. I'm afraid I just do not understand photoshop. But, I have an idea. How about a cut and shut of the front end of a GT86 and BRZ combined? I just think it's important we ensure both cars are equally represented. Other ideas are a GT86 logo and the BRZ moniker super imposed over a union flag. Just ideas of course but we need something!

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Wow good effort. I know Jay has someone who may be able to help. I think lokoing that image, maybe it needs to be an outline or something where the silhouette is clear but the detail isn't. Think like Banksy or something like that. Or even should we just use a part of the car like sa the headlight which is nearly the same on both and incorporate a BRZ (where the indicator is) and say the round GT86 logo where the main headlight bit is? Just ideas. I may have had too many gins already! ;)

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Oh! This is something I can definitely get involved in! I do freelance graphic design, so I'll put together a logo this weekend and drop it here and you can see what you think.Is there a closing date for this 'competition'?

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Go for it! No closing date as such. Obviously the sooner we can come up with something that will work and will transfer to clothing and lend itself to embriodery if possible, the better I think! I guess we're all looking for something distinctive but I think it's really important to incorporate the BRZ into it. Makes it more of a challenge I know.

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Ok here's my first draft. I'm working on some other ideas, but figured I'd put this up for the time being :cool:http://www.gt86.org.uk/forums/filedata/fetch?filedataid=Edit: Ah it seems the forum picture inserter is slightly broken, so here's a link to the image on my SkyDrive: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=8CEDC6F29AB0B1AE!1196&authkey=!AMNYBfBMFSg7CZQ

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I can't even test it on the main site as it's Alex's luckymonkey site haha. Looks good though!

If you clear your cache, it should sort out that "LuckyMonkey" issue. I can see the gt86.org.uk homepage now?

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Put Arekkz logo on photobucket so it can be linkedPosted ImageThis is really good, well done, can you do a few with different fonts for the "OWNERS CLUB GT86|BRZ" text to see what they might look like ?Also does the headlamp on the BRZ half need a small mod , see original composite photo below, the left hand end where the indicator is isn't as "sharp" as the 86Did it not look right with wheels/tyres showing?Posted ImageAlec

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Thanks, glad you like it. I've got 3 new versions below, one which has the original font, but with the minor changes to the car on the BRZ side, and the addition of wheels, then the other two are different font types. I can try even more fonts if you aren't happy with the original (I'm not a huge fan of the two new choices, but chose them to show a different style).Also, if you still think the BRZ needs tweaking, let me know and I'll see what I can do :32 (1):http://s39.photobucket.com/user/Arekusu7/media/GT86BRZ_Logo_02_zpse4a70d3a.jpg.htmlhttp://s39.photobucket.com/user/Arekusu7/media/GT86BRZ_Logo_03_zps3842d2ba.jpg.htmlhttp://s39.photobucket.com/user/Arekusu7/media/GT86BRZ_Logo_04_zps1cc001c3.jpg.html

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Like the last one the best I think.I do think the logo without the car bit will be great for merchandise (ie clothing) and the like.

Yeah the last one is my favourite as well. The part with the car is more for the banner, I only ever intended the left bit to be the actual logo itself. Also, the logo is a vector, so you can make it as big or as small as you like :32 (1): If you decide to go ahead with it, then I'll give you all the relevant vector files should you ever need to make different sized versions as well.

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Steve (BRZ2) also mentioned to me that the | between the GT86|BRZ can look like an I (capital i) he suggested GT86/BRZ or GT86 - BRZ,actually I prefer the font he used in his rework as well, what about the rest of you ?Posted Image

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