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Greetings from Ireland

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Hi, I just bought a Pearl White BRZ!  I traded a '95 Lotus Elan for it -- for a variety of reasons it doesn't make sense to have a car only for fun here (astronomical tax and insurance X3), so the Elan and a little Audi A2 daily driver morphed into one fun daily driver in the shape of the BRZ.  I'm loving the Subaru -- at least as much fun to drive as the Elan, and a lot more suited to west coast Irish weather.  

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Well done, on the new purchase. This really is a car that can do it all and as I've always maintained, life is too short to drive a boring car. :)

Any plans for the car, or does insurance kill the idea of modifications? 

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Thanks for the welcome.  Plans are limited to just driving it at the moment:  for sure insurance is an issue here as it cost triple for each of the daily drivers while the Elan being on a classic policy was only double, but less than half the allowed miles.  Couple of refinements I'd like to make, but reading the forums pretty much stuff that many others have done.  It's a great car to drive, and it seems to me badly underrated.

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