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Posts posted by Chappers

  1. I like your style but I think if the police had a close look they'd frown upon it. Those are two fairly hefty bits of steel sticking out the back of your car directly and directly connected to the body frame. One thing you might want to think about is if someone were to crash into the back of you, you're transmitting the load in a very concentrated manor to the steel structure of the car rather than the bumper...

    As for lateral load on them, I think they're fine for a bike, but wouldn't want to put much else on. When you're towing a car it often has some lateral load on the towing eye round bends and such so they are made for it.



  2. 2 hours ago, rob275 said:

    Are you sure? They insured me fine +100bhp...

    I’m sorry, you’re right I’m talking balls, it was Chris Knott. I didn’t call Greenlight because the missus only has 20 months on her UK license and they required at least three years.

    Apologies, I made far too many phone calls yesterday and got mixed up.

  3. What do you expect would happen then for instance, if you hadn't told them about your, I don't know, TRD wing fins, and you pulled out in front of someone? Surely the only thing they can do is not replace your wing fins, they'd have to prove they were a contributing factor to the accident?

    Obviously if you'd supercharged your engine and spun into a tree as you accelerated off a roundabout, that's a fair cop, I just don't see how something unrelated to an accident could prevent a pay out?

    Do each of these things add to your premium? I've never actually had to insure a modified car before.

  4. They wouldn’t insure me, apparently you’re only allowed a 75bhp increase in power, and the last on the phone was surprisingly sarcastic for a customer service representative. Anyway, I’m curious what 57 things have you modified?

    edit: this is nonsense, sorry, got my companies mixed up!

  5. Hi all, 

    Having bought a GT86 with these parts, I now have them in my ownership but don't really want to keep them. They're currently being stored at Fensport. They seem to be £804 (wing) and £951 (bootlid) new , looking at the Fensport website:



    I'm told they're in good condition, although I've not actually seen them. I guess it's best if they go together because the boot probably has the mounting points for the wing? Anyway, let me know if you're interested in buying. Ideally I would like around half their new value each for them (£400 and £450) so £850 for the pair, but open to offers.

    Pictures will be added shortly, once I've been sent them.



