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Status Updates posted by rob275

  1. Maybe i'll get it back soon............
  2. Me Saturday morning Daniel Rob Alex
  3. Most annoying cat. Im going to cave its head in.
  4. OMG this is absolutely disgusting!! I hope they don't suffocate.
  5. picked up the wrong biscuits.... fuming
  6. Punch a fucking cat
  7. Rather not see this after last night!
  8. Really need to punch a wall!
  9. So many cunts in the world.
  10. So Windows 10 decided to restart itself without warning to install updates and now it wont even boot. Fantastic. I'm going back to sleep.
  11. Some people chat so much ring.
  12. That spider had welly boots on!
  13. The search for my windows 8 product key begins....
  14. This thing is fooking massive!
  15. What a lad frosty is!
  16. What is the world coming to? It's not the BBC's fault the last woman is a shit cook surely?
  17. Who even what is this Adam 😂😂😂 i'm so fucking confused lol