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Everything posted by trashy

  1. trashy

    USB slot question

    If you're looking for a tiny USB (so it doesn't stick out too far) with a decent capacity, this USB stick works well: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B005FYNSZA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage
  2. OK - 1000 mile running in period all done and starting to have some fun During "spirited driving", i.e. exploiting some of the capabilities of the car when safe to do so, what mode are you using? For me (when the roads are dry): everything on is a total no-no sport mode is too intrusive on my favourite corners traction control off (holding the traction control button for 5s) seems to be perfect My '93 mx5 turbo has absolutely no driver aids so I guess I've learnt the hard way when not to be a total knob...
  3. A much more realistic price for this car - I would definitely have considered buying it instead of my new BRZ if it had been at £27,500 when first advertised.
  4. Unfortunately itr-dc2.com is really quiet nowadays - too many crashed or scrapped DC2s I suppose. I had my first DC2 for four years and loved it, had a gap, then bought another but it didn't feel the same. Hence the BRZ!
  5. I remember our chat on itr-dc2.com now - thanks for the advice re the BRZ, it's pretty much as I expected/hoped
  6. Many thanks for the various comments. My current view is that Sport mode doesn't allow quite enough slip on the road, but that's probably because I'm used to a more powerful RWD car with no stability aids at all. I'm really looking forward to taking the BRZ out on track later this year. I've done about 20 track days over the last couple of years in either my Mx5 turbo or Integra DC2 and itching to see how the BRZ compares!
  7. Genuinely Interesting comments. I'm not talking about drifting on public roads - I'm talking about just getting the back end moving a bit on the exit of corners. Our cars don't have lots of grip but they do have good poise and balance and it would be a crying shame not to exploit this when safe to do so. There is one particular corner near me - good visibility, up hill, slightly loose surface - give it a few revs on turn-in and the back end moves a bit - minor steering correction and you're away neatly up the hill. Lovely feeling.
  8. trashy

    New BRZ owner

    Great - I'll try the Primacy tyres on track before making a decision. I agree about having fun on track - sometimes my turbo mx5 with its wider wheels and RSRs just grips too well...
  9. trashy

    New BRZ owner

    Thanks - I'm planning on keeping it standard for the first year and see how it goes Might get a spare set of wheels with some sticky tyres for the track days though - I'm guessing that the tread blocks move all over the place on the Primacy tyres when they get hot (especially when relatively new). Are Federal RSRs, Yoko AD08s, the sort of tyres people are using? BTW, what are the standard pads like on track?
  10. trashy

    New BRZ owner

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone The BRZ will definitely be out on track this year, Sat 20th June at Pembrey or Wed 19th August at Bedford. I'm probably also going to Combe on Fri 17th April with CSMA but I want to do a few more miles in the BRZ before Combe so will probably take the turbo Mx5 instead.