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Posts posted by Varelco

  1. That first video is deceiving as the microphone isn't actually inside the car. If it was I'm sure it would make your ears bleed! I'm pretty somebody across the pond measured it at around 90dB, but that basically means nothing to me as they didn't state how, what RPM or where they measured that figure. If you open up their PDF catalog its in there, although no proper picture, a quick search through FT86 Club will have pics.

  2. I’ve been looking at the available exhaust systems for this car and after spending literally hours listening to various combinations I’ve dwindled it down to the Corsa performance cat back from the US. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem that easily obtainable in the UK, there are no UK dealers and when you punch it google I’m only getting results for Corsa of the Vauxhall variety (unsurprisingly).


    Has anybody here heard/got/able to get hold of the cat back exhaust from Corsaperformance? If so what is it like? I want a system that sounds fruity but doesn't drone or sound like a fart cannon on the motorway as I will be clocking quite a few miles. For those who don’t know they are a Canadian company who seem to have a very good reputation with V8 owners for making quality exhaust systems with no ‘drone’.

















  3. Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'm sure I will meet a few more of you in the future. No worries about being tired, I would of been the same, I saw a couple of 3000GT owners having a kip in their cars.

    Obligatory pictures will be posted when it arrives, although I'm pretty sure you all know what a Red GT86 looks like ;) lol. I'm already concocting a list of mods so expect some questions soon enough!

  4. Thought I'd pop my head in and say hello!


    I met a few gents at the Leeds castle super car siege meet on Sunday down in Kent. Sorry I didn't catch anybodies names but Id like to say thanks to those who were there, especially for backing me up when trying to justify my new purchase to the girlfriend! haha. Shout out to the guy with the white TRD for some tips when I get mine, again didnt catch your name sorry.


    I'm expecting to take delivery of my car at the end of June, couldn't come sooner if im honest...





