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Posts posted by Stevo

  1. Haha yes it is a modern world but most of the repair manual still list torque settings and values in imperial 😜 as well as metric. I'm mightily annoyed that tyre pressures are now in bar on the door stickers....😡.

    We digress, my initial suggestion still stands about doing the checks I suggested. If the spring rates are as per that website I would say that they are far too high (american or not 😁)

  2. Looking at the video I would say that the suspension is far too hard for the roads you're usually driving on going by the crashing you can hear when you hit rough surfaces - that could just be the camera mic picking up background noise.

    I've experienced this on a lot of friends caterfield type cars. Most I have driven/seen are far too stiff for road use. I usually back the damper settings off to the minimum (counting the clicks so you know what they were originally) and make a note of them too.

    On a light car like my Westie I tend to only run about 7 clicks on the front and 3/4 clicks on the rear. This is out of a maximum range of 20 clicks to full hard.

    The last Westie I looked at was so damn stiff that if you hit the slightest bump it was trying to fire you off into a hedge! After tweaking the dampers the owner reported that it was like a different car and it actually made him much more confidence in the car.

    If you think that the shocks are hitting the bump stops a quick and easy way to test that out is to jack the car up and put a small cable tie round the shocker shaft above the bump stop. Drive the car and then jack it back up and see where the cable tie is.

    Bothe the above will only cost you a bit of time. If the damping has been wound right up once you get a bit of compliance back into (assuming that's what's wrong) you can then tweak the damping to your tastes from there.

    I don't suppose you happen to know what the spring rates are? If the above doesn't help then it could be that the rates are too high.

  3. They didn't even tell me that the car had been pranged! I had wandered off as I needed a to stretch my legs and have a comfort break then when I came back I was watching from the production office and thought that looks like damage lol.

    As I said last night we only got the car back from the body shop Thursday afternoon - they had it for eight days then when my driver delivered it to the airfield the car in front of him at the security gate reversed into it. Luckily the damage wasn't too bad but it still needed to come back to the workshop to be fixed. We turned that around in about an hour then it went back down to TG.

    Haha I don't do much, I'm usually standing around waiting for them to bust something.

    It could have been worse, my opposite number from Alfa/Fiat group was there when David Tennant was there as they were testing the Guila and you probably saw what happened to that in last nights episode. He mentioned he pulled an all nighter trying to get the LHD car back and didn't manage to get it done.


  4. 8 hours ago, nikndel said:

    I've seen the damage not as bad as Kethos though

    Good to catch up with you again yesterday Nik sorry it was a bit rushed but I had had a fairly long day,  I can post my pictures of the damage now the show has aired (hopefully below)

    Did the pics you took not come out too well?




  5. I manage the Toyota GB press workshop. Its a long story but I did work for TGB in their technical centre then chose to take voluntary redundancy from them but now work for another company as a sub contractor to them. Thats the short version lol.


    My role on that day was just technical support. Although I was asked to be a stand in for Idris at one point in some of the action shots - I think you can see the resemblance can't you?


    Day to day we just make sure all the cars are "right" before they go out to journalists. The historic fleet is kept here too which we maintain too.

  6. Thanks for the welcome!


    Tsuchiya-San was a thoroughly decent chap, he was very complimentary about our AE86 too.


    The interpreter we had was so funny as the producer asked him to go out in the AE86 and he was quite apprehensive about being driven sideways as he had never been in a car doing that. As i opened the door for him after a 15 minute session with Tsuchiya-San I asked how he found and his response was "it was very good I did not pee myself" :D   

  7. I met a few of you guys on Sunday and signed up and have posted in a couple of threads but realised I haven't said hello yet.

    I don't own a GT/BRZ but will certainly be considering it once the prices get to a sensible level. I have a lot of history with Subaru as well as Toyota so it would be a no brainer.

    Here's a picture of my current toy


    It's a Westfield Megabusa, 528 kilos and just shy of 180 bhp. Built by me at our old workshop with a few mods during the process.

    It's now got a decat exhaust,flatshifter expert and I remapped the ecu.

    I'm hoping that we can bring some of the more interesting cars from work out to a local meet in the near future. I will keep an eye on the meets section.

    One final photo that I'm sure you will appreciate - taken last year whilst filming the Idris Elba program that was on C4.



    And yes I did get to sit next to him whilst he was doing some drifting. Absolute master class in car control!




    Edit to resize pictures and reorientate correctly - doh!

  8. Lol it was at Carfest North over the weekend so it couldnt have come with us sadly.


    You will all probably think I am mad but I don't enjoy driving it. You get people driving along side you filming rather than concentrating on the road. I had a biker pull a monster wheelie as he pulled between me and another car on a dual carriageway. The car driver was filming at the time :o. I could imagine the headlines in the Daily Mail if they had crashed into us! 

  9. I didn't get to go to Goodwood for the last two years so you are confusing me with David. You'll find me in the workshop more often than not twirling spanners. They don't let us out very often lol.

    The last event I did was the barrel drift day at Prodrive's circuit in Warwickshire, if any of you were fortunate to go on that?

    Was going to attach a picture but it's come out the wrong way up :(. Will try again tomorrow.
