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Posts posted by Adamb

  1. thought the worst when i read the title however this macdonalds seem alot better than my local corsa/clio meet spot! haha


    both cars look nice,  saw james' at cosworth and looked around it then.

    Also tankgirl i didnt like the red interior when i was buying but i am starting to like it the more 86s i see with it

  2. welcome to the club,   hope your enjoying the car :)  

    my first toyota and first RWD and love it.


    Everyone here is friendly and always willing to help  and dont forget the banter ;)


    Hope to meet you soon  stick your location on and you will probably find there is someone closer then you expect!

  3. I don't see any reason you couldn't buy the stage 2 from them? So basically the charger and the intake. You would have to get it mapped tho. Could buy the filter ad the thermostat from elsewhere

    I don't see any reason you couldn't buy the stage 2 from them? So basically the charger and the intake. You would have to get it mapped tho. Could buy the filter ad the thermostat from elsewhere

  4. Considering a full milltek plus ecu remap from Litchfield is £1500 including fitting...and that is theoretically the same as Cosworth 1.2...

    Dunno what Fensport or Abbey charge for similar but that would give them the "market price".


    dont forget the filter and   thermostat ;) haha   Yh  that gives a good comparison, however with the cosworth ECUTEK pack, they give you a usb that holds every map you could need!  so when you buy the 1.1 you get maps for all the .2 and .3 and stage 2, but you cant select them till everything is fitted. (this effectively saves on remapping every time you upgrade)

  5. Stage 1.1 - £1400
    Stage 1.2 - £2000-2200
    Stage 1.3 - £2500-3000
    Stage 2 - £3500-4000
    This is my opinion on the prices looking around what else there is on the market,  im not saying by any means the stuff on the market is as good and well designed but on the n/a engine im sure there wont be that much difference !
    Cheers guys for your help :) 

  6. Hey guys i was talking to one of the guys from cosworth about all the parts and stuff and we got talking about their pricing. 

    He was saying to me that they think its fairly priced and they arent making massive profits of it, 


    so i want to know what you guys think are realistic prices for the all the kits 


    Stage 1 - £2400 - Air Filter, Tune and Cat back Exhaust with a lower Thermostat
    Stage 1.2 - £3238 - Same as Above with Centre and Over Pipe.
    Stage 1.3 - £4558 - Save as above with Manifolds.
    Stage 2 - will the the S/C and new intake for it  (not sure what else)
    From my thinking the stage 2 will only be charger and intake so shouldnt be that expensive  but never know haha
    SO  copy this below with what you think are realistic prices so i can get back to them. 
    Stage 1.1 - 
    Stage 1.2 - 
    Stage 1.3 - 
    Stage 2

  7. thats good to hear, should be amusing seeing his face when im keeping up with him then :D 


    and spec K thats quite close so i think it may be rude of me not to go down even just for a good day watching and looking round peoples cars.

    I'd deffo be up for that!  hopefully can even get a ride in someones N/A for comparison around the same track 


    yeah will be my first 86 event/meet at cosworth but i not be there till 1-1.30ish :/

  8. BAD News !!  


    right so from my dad always having classic minis (family thing haha)  hes had a couple 206s as run arounds and sensible MPV Citroen C4.

    Drove past their house this morning and saw a mk1 audi tt.   Hmm strange who's is that.


    Called in to say hi, then he says its his!  i asked  190 or 225 model.   he said the 225 quatro and smiled :'(


    this means i now have to mod so mine is over 225 and quicker again 


    bloody parents spoil all the fun :P 

  9. Welcome along Adam, I have black wheels, but to be fair mine is orange :-)


    Hi faith, yh ive seen your thread on the dark side ;) haha

    a lot of nice mods youve done and i like them as most of subtle mods :)


    Hello amigo! Welcome. I'm laity. Bright colours stickers big pipes! :)


    haha  maybe so many bright colours but there shall be some stickers and big pipes when i get around to it  :D

  10. hopefully by the sounds of it  my dealer friend has a company they use who are willing to sell me the pins :D  

    so il find out tuesday if they are the correct ones or not and then if they are il buy quite a few.


    the way i have been looking it basically means you crimp the 3 new pins on (1 for power pin 7, 1 for the camera signal pin 8 and finally 1 for the earth pin 16)  So crimp these on then basically remove the 16 pin connector, push them into the correct locations till they click and locate then replace the original 16 pin connector into the HU and voila.


    the pins can be removed relatively easily as i removed the handbrake signal pin earlier today to check the pin type.



    Il post my findings on tuesday 

  11. Obscure wheels ftw :) not boy racer at all :)

    When I next get to Sheffield I'll happily make a detour to Mansfield so you can try the BC's in mine, the teins will be another step up I reckon


    awesome :) will have to let me know next time your heading my way :)

  12. You're right. I've not been up that far in the range yet.

    It is not so much a rattle. Best description I can come up with would be to say it sounds like the fan motor for the blowers whistling ever so slightly in tune with the engine. Only in gear using the engine to break the car. Minute the clutch is depressed it stops.

    I know clear as mud. But I am guessing no one else has had this?


    Ive heard this occasionally ony m new 14 plate. only upto 500 miles now, so will wait to see if it stays or gets worse. if still there by 1000 il investigate or take it to the dealer :)

  13. Right,   doing the reversing camera, and need to make up the cable for the HU  all i need is the correct pins for the plug


    However i can't find them anywhere!  Can anyone tell me anywhere local or online i can get them?


    Im sure Keethos or jay can help me when they read this :)


    was hoping to do it all today but dont think thats gonna happen now :(

  14. people stop leading me down a bad path of bright wheels haha  :rolleyes:  theres too many boy racers round here with them 


    Well ive got a few things to pay off before i can get my coilies, however i hope to meet alot of people before i purchase so i can try peoples different cars with different makes :) 

  15. right so im leaning more towards the save the cash and get the flex,  as it gives me the adjustability if i want it. Better to have it and not use it than need it but not have it haha


    I also like how the car handles with the back end being abit fidgity, so if i wanted to get different springs for example 5/6kg like lauren or the 6/6 like keith and dave  do i just need to drop them a message?  and how much do these different springs cost?  

    Think if i email them and tell them from the start i want different springs they will knock abit of for me not needing the 7/7kg springs?


    I was wanting to make the ride a little firmer and lower it but keep some of the current characteristics so i think 5/6kg will be perfect 


    Is the EDFC just a way of adjusting the dampers from inside the car rather than get out and do it myself?  unless i get the active 



    First real time of getting coilovers had springs before but not coilovers and not on a "proper" car ;) haha so sorry for all the questions :D

  16. Give it time. They tend to squeal more when you drive it harder on the road. 

    drove it gentle for 300 miles, at the moment slowly giving it more, but i must say im not gentle on the breaks which be why it isnt squeaking much possibly




    My squeaking comes and goes, just got used to it now :P


    that will be the faimly of mice under the bonnet, may want to call the exterminators ;)
