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Posts posted by shaunharper13

  1. The Mrs is a scary woman she gives me the black eyes haha and was just because I was getting over friendly with a girl in work and she didn't like it and it's full of people posting pictures of their Sunday roast but yeahh Steve I'll be there so we'll try sort something out and see if there is anymore gt86s' attending

  2. Can anyone please explain this ..... I have been insuraed with a company called premium choice since the start of April they wanted copies of my licence and counterpart and also my no claims I sent them and everything was fine they then phoned last Friday and asked for my log book but unfortunately I didn't have a scanner at hand so I photocopied it on Monday and sent it straight away in there own prepaid envelope .... They the. Called today saying they've cancelled it because it wasnt recived in time. Well wtf it's your own envelope so it's not my fault you havnt recived it but then an hour later they call me back and say oh we've recived it now but sorry we've already cancelled your insurance so you gonna have to take a new one out with us bahaha you guessed it I told them to get to f#%k and now there closed until Monday ..... Can anyone help I've heard this prestige is okay if they still don't wanna play

  3. Hi

    Omg could you possibly do me a charmander from Pokemon on the side of my car it'll look amazing black car red interior with a cartoon jap dragon on the side .... Jap car jap graphics

  4. Mate I was driving down the 303 about midnight and a rabbit decided to run out and I hit it :( was a loud bang and when I look my front diffuser was in 3 bits scrapping on the floor I used the old tape but kept coming off and scrapping so eventually I just cut it off however it was rather funny that it was full of fur :( poor poor car

  5. Boys and girls my mrs has just got a new aygo 15plate it's one of those bright orange ones with a rather nice black alloys however I was wondering does her car have any hidden secrets or any major differences to mine other than power what I've noticed up to now is just her touch and go is a hell of allot better /: it even has international maps on it not sure if my 86 does ? Anyways let me know as she's dying to try and get something over on me haha x cheers x Scouse x

  6. ive managed to set it so when I use the touch sensor on the drivers door the passengers door opens too but I done that using the keyfob.

    I do want to no how to make the headlights etc come on when you unlock the car, so for example because the lights are set on auto they'll just be the day running one in the day but when I unlock it of a night the headlights come on... just something little which sounds pointless but I think its just a nice touch for the car to have
