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Everything posted by LFA

  1. LFA

    Hello from Canada

    Britcar good but will miss the 24hr format this year. You should come for Le Mans or Nurburgring 24; they are both fantastic.
  2. LFA

    Hi Guys

    welcome to our world
  3. LFA

    Hybrid-R. 420 BHP

    It would be great to see toyota first to the post with a production sports hybrid
  4. LFA


    Not to be missed I expect
  5. LFA


    And where is Senna when you have a good joke lined up, lol
  6. LFA

    LFA's Blog

    Might have to take you up on that after Spec K cancelled on me, lol
  7. LFA

    LFA's Blog

    Man parts say turbo , but some little voice keeps saying supercharger. Decision very soon.
  8. LFA

    LFA's Blog

    Preparing for moar powa
  9. Yes, on that basis do we put Special K on probation?
  10. LFA

    Aeromotions Wing

    Currently my favourite big wing. For those that aren't familiar these guys do the electronically adjustable wings to change the wing profile, although you can run them static.
  11. I have always liked vpower but the points scheme really got on my tits. Did an 800 miles a week commute for 2.5 years when I was younger and ended up with a mug. May be I wasn't doing it right.
  12. Nice one Was 90euro fair, or should you have been in for more
  13. LFA

    GT86 Crash on A14

    Given its a white 86, I'm putting my money on something to do with hairspray.
  14. Is Special K rebuilt yet; we could do something moody in the east end bad lands
  15. Well that's West Bromwich out then
  16. You guys need to be more excited about Toyota's Le Mans efforts; hey, even I support them at Le Mans. 2014 should be a very interesting year given the durability increases the team achieved for 2013..... and the arrival of Porsche in LMP1. Nice video of this years campaign... http://youtu.be/AvgITerlClo And I found this video on comedy handling while I was at it . http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cI1nIBZFbBo Not sure if the forum supports embedded vid
  17. More pictures in West Bromwich please
  18. Starts a new line on draft view but when posted [hits enter] it appears as continuous text
  19. Envy Lauren , envy Just back from northern Italy where there were some great mountain roads; sadly I only had my rental car, but found myself thinking how good it would be to drive them in the brz ( and then I got thinking about the bookatrack Italy trip, which sadly will have to remain a pipe dream for me, at least) Perhaps we can start a driving route sticky for 'must drive' destination roads.
  20. LFA

    Spotted... Was it you?

    Been in Italy all week , didn't see a single one!
  21. As I was typing; Cameron Diaz came onto the screen, sort of