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Everything posted by tegunulgener

  1. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    It is indeed messy process. My craftsmanship would be cleaner, too. That resin is sticky. But I'm working on a cardboard and stuff with gloves.
  2. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    BTW it is not dark brown. Looks like it I know
  3. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    They are white only with red plastic. I'm trying with what I have atm. These are the trials before I go for the final. I do wonder what's gonna come out lol Pimp my brake light lol
  4. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    Test 1
  5. tegunulgener

    Help please...

  6. tegunulgener

    Which brake pads?

    Hi all... I am going to buy brake pads and can't decide. Heard lots about ebc yellow stuff both positive and negative so I probably not good news to buy them. OEM brake pads are noisy and very dusty. Please enlighten me with your experiences... Thanks in advance
  7. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    LED it's alive! IT'S ALIVE!
  8. tegunulgener

    Help please...

  9. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    Here is the hard mould... This is the only thing I've found in Halfords. Fastglas lol And yes, first time moulding casting
  10. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    However, if I'll be unsuccessful then I'll ask your precious help
  11. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    I think it is uv stabilised resin. I'm not worried about bubbles because I'm going to use 2 moulds. This one is for hard surface. Then I'm going to use another layer for smooth surface which is silicone rubber mould. But pitman, thank you for your help. Honestly man, I'm in Southampton. I really needed those vacuum chamber today.
  12. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    Master (cut piece) for moulding
  13. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    First cut...
  14. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    First cut...
  15. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    I guess it would be much easier on bigger spoilers as there are some ready kits just to attach on bigger spoilers. This TRD spoiler is small in every angle.
  16. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    @rob: I am trying to make it look awesome as I want to make something proper. Because of that I am being careful and taking my time. @Keith: yes I can fit a proximity sensor but that would be dangerous in traffic. but i like the idea a lot... apart from that, when I finish the project I am going to keep the moulds so I can make more whoever wants...
  17. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    not bad eh?
  18. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    and this is how should look like when it's done...
  19. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    going to cut where I put the tape...
  20. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    i don't have the brake light because spoiler has its own curve and shape. i have to cut the piece and make a mould. then i have to use crystal resin. well, i am watching videos atm. and learning
  21. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    I think found. it's called crystal resin...
  22. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    I am trying to make this. vacuum forming or 3d printer is not going to work. got the spoiler. have to cut a piece and that piece is the exact shape of the brake lights. so it has to be clear but to match, i will put a black film or transparent black paint on it.
  23. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    Something is definitely wrong with the forum today... Extremely slow.
  24. tegunulgener

    Help please...

    I bought a part for the car. Planning to cut a peace and this peace is going to be exact positive for the clear acrylic/plastic (excuse my terminology) so i can put a light in it. I just don't know how can I make it, yet...
  25. tegunulgener

    Decking the FA20 Block

    and how much are you planning to spend on this? I am asking more like to see how much roughly I have to spare for more...