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Posts posted by Arekkz

  1. :( I'm sorry dude....though I did mention this in the original comments on facebook from when Faith and Will were talking about side fenders etc and I was questioning your existence :lol: .  You can still get them if you need as Nathan from Japex has graced our club with his presence and that's where we got them from though for a lil bit more than what we paid, he can get you a set for roughly £110 delivered!


    No worries man, it's completely my fault! I'm so rubbish at checking the forum, so I've only got myself to blame. Thanks though, will get in touch with Nathan and see what I can do  :lol:

  2. So it's Christmas tomorrow! Oh wait, I mean the Xbox One launches tomorrow (same thing!), but I thought you guys might appreciate some video content from your resident YouTuber to pass the time :) I've broken all my content into a selection of playlists so if there's anything you want to see it'll be easy to find.


    Also, to make this more relevant, I have Forza content, and what's even more awesome is finally, for the first time you get a decent car at the start of the game - and by that I mean you can have the GT86 as your first car! Other choices include BRZ, RX8, some sort of BMW, etc.


    Xbox One playlist:



    Forza 5 playlist:



    Killer Instinct playlist:



    Unboxing of the special edition white Xbox One:



  3. I didn't actually buy Ghosts this time round, figured I'd wait till next gen to pick it up, but I've played it at a few events and tbh it's the same old thing really. Sure there are tweaks to the gameplay, things work slightly differently, but at the end of the day, it's CoD.


    As for the campaign, they are always notoriously short, but 3 hours is pretty low. I haven't played it myself, so can't vouch for that, but I wouldn't be surprised tbh.

  4. Yeah I agree, it doesn't matter how powerful the PC, I'm always going to be a console gamer. Unless I'm playing an RTS, I prefer to use a controller. Yes I know I can just plug a controller into my PC, but it's not the same thing. Sure you'll get better graphics on PC, but for me the overall experience on Xbox is just that much better.


    Plus, I prefer the fact that when I buy a game, it's ready to go - I don't have to worry if my PC can handle it, or if I need a new graphics card, etc. Plus, I would take gameplay over graphics any day, so provided I'm having fun, then it doesn't matter where I am, and what resolution I'm playing in.

  5. I still think one of the most satisfying things in GTA V, is punching people in the face, haha! (I realise that makes me sound like such a hooligan!) The animations are awesome in this one, so it's worryingly satsifying.Anyone seen the knockout montage? (the Lethal B tune just makes it that much better!)
