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Posts posted by Knighty

  1. 7 minutes ago, Keethos said:

    Congrats and welcome to the club. So and plans for the car? Mods? Car Shows? Trackdays?

    Thanks! Plans for the car at the moment, nothing at all. I quite fancy an Invidia N1 exhaust I think, had my eye on them since the day I started searching for the car... But there could be better options on the market. Maybe a drop in filter of some sorts for a little more induction note, no idea as to which one though. 

    I love carbon fibre, and so been keeping an eye on all the awesome interior bits, I shall start my collection of those at some point! Swap out some of the silver in favour of some weave. 

    The stock spoiler has really grown on me but I might be tempted to go for a TRD one, maybe even a carbon TRD style spoiler.

    I promised myself I wouldn't change this car much, just aesthetics. 

    I definitely want some gas bonnet struts though! everytime I've opened the bonnet somebody has said "Can't believe it doesn't have bonnet struts" :lol:, Again though multiple kits out there, some pricey (Greddy) and some less so, no idea which ones are a good set. 

    Car shows are a big part of my year, so expect to see me at them, not sure whether you guys have a club stand or anything? Spent a lot of time with Celica Club, put the celica on the club stand for Japshow Finale. Little did I know it'd be it's last show outing with me. 

    Trackday wise, I'm honestly not sure I've got the bottle. I'd love to try it, but the thought of failure scares me. I'm much happier to just stand by and watch. 



  2. 22 minutes ago, KevinA said:

    Welcome to a great forum, hope you can come to meets and introduce us to your new motor :)

    Many thanks! 

    For sure I'll take a look and see what's coming up! Will be good to get to know the community. I feel I'm going to be here for a very long time! 

  3. 43 minutes ago, nikndel said:

    Welcome to the world of Red 🏎

    Many thanks! Definitley a great choice!

    22 minutes ago, Nicebiscuit said:

    This isn't going to help, but that Celica is lovely. emoji41.png

    You'll get used to the clutch. In fact I don't think it's the clutch so much as the throttle which is a bit on/off - quite hard to drive smoothly at low speed. But it gets easier with familiarity.

    I love mine. Also red. emoji3.png

    Haha, many thanks. A lot of work went into the celica, not sure I'll ever get over it to be honest, I'd definitely have another one! 

    Yeah, you know I think you're right. Starting to get with it now, the only time I'm struggling a little now is with the car on fast idle when cold, for some reason I just cannot seem to get the clutch in smoothly, normal idle I don't really have a problem at all!

    I feel like red could be a very popular colour! :lol:

    I've loved red cars since my first car, a 1.2  vauxhall corsa, although most of those tended to be a more pink colour than red :D. The grey on the celica looked awesome, but I really enjoy detailing cars, and for me, the grey just never "popped" which is why I wanted something bright this time around. Can't wait to get some decent weather and spend a couple of days on her to get it up to my standard. 

  4. Hi Everyone,

    Just this minute signed up to this forum, I hope I get to know all of you over the coming years of owning my absolutely stunning Red GT86 that I took delivery of last Monday. 
    I traded in my gorgeous Thunder Grey Celica GT pictured below, for a taste of life in an 86. 
    I miss that car so much, I've had such an awesome time owning it, and met a load of great people over on Celica Club UK - A forum I still have membership to. But the time was right to move on to pastures new. the decision to buy the 86 has been the best I've ever made, but at the same time the worst, as it meant saying goodbye to an amazing car. 
    Time to reveal the reason I'm here in this forum. 
    She's absolutely perfect. 2014 model with barely run in mileage, part leather red interior which just goes so well with the red paint I think. Whilst I was looking around at what was on the market I saw a few with the red interior and from the photo's I really didn't like it at all, especially the red trim on the steering wheel, handbrake, gear knob etc. But as soon as I saw this one I fell in love with it. Took her for a drive and I was sold. 
    After a week of ownership I'm getting to grips with things a lot more and starting to feel comfortable with the car, which is only helping to further my love for the car! Clutch work is still a bit hit and miss, but I'm sure I'll get there! 

    Thanks for taking the time out to read what is probably the first post of many from me. 


    All the best, 

