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Posts posted by Paul

  1. 1 hour ago, Squadrone Rosso said:

    Just coming back to this. I used the 86 today for a 140 mile trip. The car was a block of ice when I set off.

    The seat heaters take an absolute age to get minimal heat. I've then, I'm convinced it's my body heat that's warmed the leather.

    Reckon they're FUBAR?



    Are you flicking the switch forwards (quick heat) or backwards (moderately balanced)?

  2. 1 hour ago, Galaxian said:

    yes, it was a great day - didnt get to meet everyone  @CanaryWundaboy I looked for your Norwich city top but didn't see it which perhaps explains why I didn't see you? ;)

    We met, I was the guy in the GT86 black cap.

    I had my Norwich shirt on underneath my hoodie but it was so bloomin' cold I stayed covered up!

  3. I'd like to thank everyone who gave me a ride during the course of the day, I had a great time even without taking my own car out on track. I feel much more comfortable with the idea of going out on track myself next time but will definitely be booking some tuition (and trackday insurance!).


    Special thanks to Rich and Keith for ferrying me to and from the car park multiple times as I would have been stranded without you! Special thanks also to Mark@Abbey for the drinks and doughnuts in the garage!

  4. 28 minutes ago, steve_p said:

    Glad to see from the last few posts that most had a more successful day than me. I only managed one session on track before a split exhaust manifold ended my track time.   A massive thank you to Mark from Abbey for spending his time dismantling the exhaust and then patching it up so that I could drive it home.  In the end I decided to take it straight to Oxted (where Abbey are based).

    It was great to see so many of our cars out on track and to meet a few more people from the forums.

    Now, whilst the car is at the workshop, perhaps it's time to upgrade the suspension ....


  5. 25 minutes ago, Keethos said:

    So, not long left, what time people thinking of arriving at the Premier Inn?

    @CanaryWundaboy - am I still ok sharing a room with yourself?  Do you want some money up front or when we meet?

    Absolutely no problem at all, sort it out when we get there is fine be me.

    I'll be shooting to get there for between 5-6pm.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Varelco said:

    ^^^ Not true.

    If the wheels have a 60 degree taper and the nuts can fit in the recess then there is no you can't use the standard nuts.

    Yeah but they look so bad.....

    If someone needs some new wheel nuts I have a spare set of silver Titans I'd send to anyone willing to cover postage. Got them with my Rotas but already bought red ones. ^^
