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Everything posted by Polishingpedlar

  1. Polishingpedlar

    TSS helmet required

    That's the one I'm looking at Lauren! Thanks to all for advise
  2. Polishingpedlar

    Haynes Museum Breakfast Meet March 1st

    Went to Haynes on way back from holiday last year and must say its has changed massively! It now has great facilities and the cafe is very good. Museum is good and there is even stuff for the kids to do and enjoy. Would be a good place for SW and South girls and boys to meet up. Thanks Buzzard, I'll see if I can make it. John
  3. Polishingpedlar

    TSS helmet required

    Thanks for the offer Kevin, I'm normally an fan of Arai from my bike days but as I now need a car specific helmet I'm going to change brand. This causes problems because my size in an Arai is different in a bell, shoei or others. Gunna have a trip out Tuesday to Silverstone to make a purchase.
  4. Polishingpedlar

    TSS helmet required

    Sounds a dangerous place to go! I think I might be spending a bit more than planned then! Thanks for the heads up Stan.
  5. Polishingpedlar

    TSS helmet required

    Rob I've found a place based at Silverstone (Grandprix Racewear) thats only just over an hour from home so will give them a try. As its a helmet I really need to try it on, comes from buying bike helmets in the past and getting it wrong even when I know my size! Each Manufacturers seem to be slightly different. Will post how I get on in case others are interested. John
  6. Polishingpedlar

    Tilly's TRD =)

    Like the look of this Tilly. As another TRD owner would be interested to see results of exhaust change. Are you planning on keeping it quad tipped? John
  7. Polishingpedlar

    Toyota 86 CB Style

    No sale.... Must try harder.
  8. Polishingpedlar

    TSS Celica GT PREP

    And pump tyres up?
  9. Polishingpedlar

    New To The Forum - Colchester (Essex) Way

    Hi James and welcome to the forum. Looks like some nice mods planned there mate.. See you on track soon by the sounds of it! Youll love the car on track, it needs it to bring out its full potential. It's where they belong! Enjoy John
  10. Polishingpedlar

    Porsche with large rear end

    Funny number plate spotted in Slough! Wether you like plates or not this made us laugh! Anyone else seen a funny plate recently??
  11. Polishingpedlar

    North East Newbie....

    Welcome along Tasha, don't worry I'm still getting the hang of forums too. Nice car and love the red... My second favourite colour.hee...hee..
  12. Polishingpedlar

    hey from the south west

    Welcome aboard Sam! You planning any track days or shows this year in your BRZ?
  13. Polishingpedlar

    Top Gear

    Reminder folks that Top Gear is back on our screens tomorrow night(Sunday) at 8pm
  14. Polishingpedlar

    Trackdays and helmets

    Might be worth checking you fit in the car with your lid on first before booking a track day. I've just tried this morning ahead of Oulton Park on the 5th Feb and was surprised how little clearance I have between helmet and roof. Oh and I'm 6"1
  15. Polishingpedlar

    Top Gear

    Me too! Only problem is wife and kids gang up on me sometimes...
  16. Polishingpedlar

    Top Gear

    Discovery channel lover then?
  17. Polishingpedlar

    Top Gear

    Fifth Fifth gear? prefer fifth gear as it's more for petrolheads, but top gear is the best offer for a Sunday night.
  18. Polishingpedlar

    Meet up in Aylesbury on Sunday 25th Jan

    Family commitments so unable to attend Would of been nice to meet up with you guys as I'm a newbie. Hope to see some of you at Oulton Park or other events instead.
  19. Polishingpedlar

    hello everyone

    I meant forced injection ie turbo or supercharger. When this is fitted a new exhaust would be required but if there was a simple answer such as remove a cat or change a pipe here or there and keep the TRD quad tailpipes I'd be very interested. If you find out anything keep us all posted!
  20. Polishingpedlar


    Sorry to hear this. Hope you can get it back.
  21. Polishingpedlar

    hello everyone

    I have a TRD with the standard quad pipes, very pleased with it I am too! There appears to only be 108 TRDs taxed on the road at the moment so quite rare. Must be lots clogging up dealer forecourts if 250 were indeed "converted". I would like to change the exhaust on mine but keep the quad pipe look, but so far haven't found anyone who has done this without going FI. Welcome to comments though...
  22. Polishingpedlar

    DW car of the day

    I spent many years in the RS owners club ( I've since had counselling) and got very frustrated with people that thought if a car didn't have 400 hp+ it was slow and boring. These were the same folk that preferred to go to pub meets and shows and park up all day polishing and cleaning them! Whenever I suggested track days or a trip to the ring or spa they seemed more worried about stone chips and adding mileage than driving the flipping things. There is a place for cleaning and polishing and as I make a living from that I can't really complain, however the GT owners club is the club for DRIVERS and all you guys seem to "get it". BHP is a good thing but without control or handling it means nothing (American cars spring to mind). I don't have a 400hp car anymore but do I enjoy the GT any less, far from it. It is honestly more fun than ANY car I've owned. Rant over ...... John
  23. Polishingpedlar

    Another newbie

    Sorry having a blonde moment, meant Oulton park. it's on the 6th Feb. John
  24. Polishingpedlar

    Another newbie

    Welcome along Adam, places still at Malory if you fancy it?
  25. Polishingpedlar

    Just went for a look came home with a GT86TRD

    Hello everyone.... As title, picked up a ex demo TRD in white today. Very very impressed with it. Looking forward to getting out and about in it as well as doing some track days and getting over to the ring next year.