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MartinT's BRZ

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Things I can hear without being overwhelmed by exhaust roar: the sweet spinning of that lovely smooth engine; the intake whoosh/hiss as the supercharger develops boost; the different road surfaces; the slight chirp as I test rear wheel grip on acceleration.

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It’s like a well tuned soundstage that lets you hear every instrument. I was amazed at how much of the car gets drowned out by the louder exhausts. Glad you like it and well worth the long term investment? 

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5 hours ago, Luke said:

It’s like a well tuned soundstage that lets you hear every instrument.

Yes, exactly that.  I appreciated it even more today on my work commute, the engine sounds really good and smooth while the 'charger does its stuff when needed.

Definitely worth the investment and my head thanks you for the advice!

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